Licence Information
How you can use free stock photos
- Websites, Programs, Applications, or Mobile Apps
- Videogames, Interactive Media
- As part of Advertising Materials
- Image Placeholders for any kind of blog website or Templates for Sale
- Image Backgrounds in Templates for Sale
- Part of Template for Sale
- Social Media Posts, backgrounds, profile images
- Magazines, Books, Textbooks, Ebooks
- Music or Physical Artwork
- T-Shirt or other Clothing Prints
- Canvas or other Photo/Paper Prints
- Personal, Industrial, Government, and Commercial works
This means photos and images can be included in your final product to sell. Examples include Templates, Photoshop Files, Video Projects, Graphic Templates, Mockups, etc.
What you can’t do with FreeStockImageSite photos and images
- You can’t sell the photo as it is in a digital form. The standalone version is given to you for free.
- Not third-party stock websites, free or paid.
We hope you enjoy using our images and photos as much as we enjoyed creating them!